$50k Revenue, Black Friday, $12,000 Offers

$50k Revenue, Black Friday, $12,000 Offers

You may have seen other coaches and consultants online have these super long sale pages with fancy links, long testimonial videos, flashy bonuses, and all this other jazz

And you may have thought to yourself:

“Ah! So this is what I need to do to grow my business!”

That’s exactly what Somto thought before she hopped into CoachLab.

And in fact, she did exactly just that.

Prior to working with us, she spent an entire month creating a fancy-shmancy sales page to sell her new blogging course for Black Friday.

And when the day came, she promoted it on her Instagram…

She only made a messly $600 off an entire month’s worth of work (ouch!)

It was at that moment that she knew that she needed help, and that is what we ended up focusing on during our time in CoachLab.

We helped her revamp her offer so that she can charge 10X her prices all while doing 10X less work (key was to create a ‘hybrid-offer’ with high perceived value at low cost). And within just 1 week, this happened:

Next up, we changed up her marketing efforts, and went back to leveraging & systematizing the assets that she already had in her coaching business (her email list and Instagram.)

This included systematizing her content creation process so that she can stay consistent on email & Instagram, which lead her to booking 10-20 booked calls on her calendar a week.

And most importantly, we helped her learn how to sell her new offer, and create a sales system that allowed her to effortlessly sell without feeling salesy, pushy, or sleezy.  

A month after implementing these systems, she closed so many clients that she ended up raising her prices from $600 to $2,400, to $3,600, to $9,000! (last we heard, she is now charging $12k!)

You can watch the whole interview with her here.

This goes to show that you don’t need complicated funnels, fancy sale pages, or host a special promotion or launch.

You just need ONE good offer. ONE way to market it. And ONE way to consistently sell it.

And that is what we are going to help you identify on our call!

We will help you cut through all the “should do” and “need to” things on your task list and help you gain clarity on the 1-1-1 model you need to hit your goal of [Their Goal]

Our call is only a few days away. Looking forward to serving you then.

The Power of Focus,
