Steven Vu

Steven Vu

my name is steven

"I Need to Think About It"

When you're sitting there, staring at the crossroads

Is this a good fit for me?

The Next Level Requires A New You Ever felt like

The Art of Timing (How to Determine the Right Time to Go All In)

Do you ever feel like you're in a

Resourcefulness vs Resources

How to Never Let "I Can't Afford

The 4% Client

Have you ever felt like you’re shouting into a


Back in the old days, buying decisions were simpler. People

Lack of Clarity

Imagine that you're going on vacation with your

Simplicity Creates Consistency

When I first started my coaching business, I wanted to

Less = More

Growing and scaling is not a matter of doing more.

You Will Always Be Your Best Investment

You have a dream. You want to start or grow