What It Takes To Be World-Class

What It Takes To Be World-Class
Don't settle for average. ⁣Choose to be world-class. ⁣

The past is the language of the average.⁣⁣
... and while the average class thinks their best days have come and gone... the world-class believes that the best is yet to come. ⁣⁣
The world-class is obsess with the future. ⁣⁣
They focus on whats to come. ⁣

They focus on what they can create. ⁣

And because of that, they focus on actions that will move them forward in the future. ⁣⁣
They take risks, develop habits & creates opportunities everywhere they go.⁣⁣
Meanwhile... the average focuses on the past. ⁣

They focus on what has already happened. ⁣

They live in the past because it gives them a sense of comfort.. retelling themselves the same 10 stories over and over again...⁣⁣
The reason why this happens is because the future seems scary. ⁣

The future brings upon the fear of the unknown, which can make us feel uneasy & uncomfortable.⁣⁣
How many of you are guilty of this? ⁣

How many of you are so attached to the past.. what has happened... your limitations... that it has impaired you from propelling into the future? ⁣⁣
Are you stuck reliving the best days of the past? Are you stuck telling yourself the same reasons why you cannot do this.. or cannot do this... because XYZ thing that happened 5 years ago? ⁣⁣
If so, it's time to change your language and focus towards the future.⁣⁣
Greatness is achieved by learning from the past, and focusing on the future. ⁣⁣
So yes, allow yourself to reflect on the past. But don't allow it to take total control of your focus towards your brighter tomorrow.⁣⁣
Focus on whats to come. Focus on the future. Focus on WHO you need to be in order to CREATE the results you want in your life. ⁣⁣
Don't settle for average. ⁣

Choose to be world-class. ⁣