Case Study Bonanza!

Case Study Bonanza!

$50k Revenue, Black Friday, $12,000 Offers

You may have seen other coaches and consultants online have these super long sale pages with fancy links, long testimonial videos, flashy bonuses, and all this other jazz

And you may have thought to yourself:

“Ah! So this is what I need to do to grow my business!”

That’s exactly what Somto thought before she hopped into CoachLab.

And in fact, she did exactly just that.

Prior to working with us, she spent an entire month creating a fancy-shmancy sales page to sell her new blogging course for Black Friday.

And when the day came, she promoted it on her Instagram…

She only made a messly $600 off an entire month’s worth of work (ouch!)

It was at that moment that she knew that she needed help, and that is what we ended up focusing on during our time in CoachLab.

We helped her revamp her offer so that she can charge 10X her prices all while doing 10X less work (key was to create a ‘hybrid-offer’ with high perceived value at low cost). And within just 1 week, this happened:

Next up, we changed up her marketing efforts, and went back to leveraging & systematizing the assets that she already had in her coaching business (her email list and Instagram.)

This included systematizing her content creation process so that she can stay consistent on email & Instagram, which lead her to booking 10-20 booked calls on her calendar a week.

And most importantly, we helped her learn how to sell her new offer, and create a sales system that allowed her to effortlessly sell without feeling salesy, pushy, or sleezy.

A month after implementing these systems, she closed so many clients that she ended up raising her prices from $600 to $2,400, to $3,600, to $9,000! (last we heard, she is now charging $12k!)

You can watch the whole interview with her here.

This goes to show that you don’t need complicated funnels, fancy sale pages, or host a special promotion or launch.

You just need ONE good offer. ONE way to market it. And ONE way to consistently sell it.

And that is what we are going to help you identify on our call!

We will help you cut through all the “should do” and “need to” things on your task list and help you gain clarity on the 1-1-1 model you need to hit your goal of [Their Goal]

Our call is only a few days away. Looking forward to serving you then.

The Power of Focus,


$40,000, “Not Good Enough”, & Soulmate Clients

Stuck serving clients that you don’t like?

Afraid to raise your prices?

Do you want to be charging more, serving better clients, having a greater impact... but deep down...

[X] You feel like you’re “not good enough”

[X] Feel like you’re “not ready”

[X] You keep saying “once I accomplish XYZ… then I’ll charge that price.. Then I’ll serve those clients….”

That’s exactly how Ai Nguyen felt before she started working with us.

Ai is a Breakthrough and Transformation coach, and before she hopped into CoachLab, she was stuck charging average prices for average clients.

She did a lot of mindset and spiritual work for all sorts of clients. Men... women... entrepreneurs... employees… executives… the list goes on.

And because she was serving such a wide range of people, she was never able to charge a premium for her services (a common mistake by most coaches & consultants)

But deep down, she knew that she wanted to help Female Entrepreneurs step into their power and have massive breakthroughs in their life and business.

The problem was, she didn’t know how to make that transition. She felt like she was not good enough to serve that audience. She told herself that “Once I hit $10k months, then I’ll be more credible and make that switch!”

So that’s what we worked on once she hopped into CoachLab. We immediately started dialing in on her offer, switched up her messaging, and helped her figure out the best way to deliver and charge for her new offer.

Few weeks later, she sold her new offer for $8,000 PIF (paid in full).

Once we got the first sale, we then started to build a system around what was already working FOR HER.

We helped her find her voice and create content in a way that felt organic and natural to her using our Transformational Content framework.

We helped discover her natural way of selling and build a system around that using our Neural Selling System as a model

We even helped her build out a custom daily schedule so that she knew exactly what to do (and what to avoid at all cost) in order to stay consistent in her revenue generating activities.

By the end of the program, she made over $40k of revenue in less than 6 months.

On top of that, we set her up to be ready for her next $50k-$100k launch

You can catch her full testimonial here!

This goes to show that the only TWO THINGS stopping you from truly charging what you want and to who you want.

#1.) Clarity (which we will help you get on our call, around your Offer, your marketing, your messaging)

#2.) Confidence (which you gain from having CLARITY on what to know, and having a SYSTEM to help you do it consistently - which we also help you build customized to you)

And on our call, we will make sure we give you the clarity and confidence you need in order to charge what you want, to whoever you want, and to do it consistently.

Your Dream Clients Await,

Steven Vu

$500 Workshops to $20k Launch, 0 Sales Experience

Quitting your job to start your dream business is a tough decision to make (especially when that job is paying you 6-figures a year)

But sometimes, the best decisions that we can ever make for ourselves are the ones that require us to take a leap of faith and trust in ourselves.

That’s exactly what Norman Tran did when he decided to work with us.

Norman was a facilitator at Stanford Graduate School of Business and specialized in helping companies create unique learning experience online

However, his true passion was teaching people about Emotional Intelligence and how to skillfully navigate conversations with the people you care most about

But at the time, the only way he was able to coach and teach people was in his weekend workshops, which he was only charging $500 for.

He knew that he wanted to focus on teaching that full-time, so he decided to quit his job, and sign up with us to make that dream a reality.

We first started off with his consulting offer. Since he was already an expert at what he does, it was easy for us to package up his offer and help him start finding his own clients.

The problem was, he had absolutely ZERO experience in sales! He’s never sold anything in his life.

So we hooked him up with our Neural Selling System, and within his first week, he closed his first client for $2k!

It didn’t stop there! We continued to help him build out and position his offer. And in just 2 months, he definitely “raised the price” 😉

Once we proved to him that he’s an expert at what he does and that he can sell, he was off to the races.

He was able to close two more consulting clients later that month, and used that income to fund his new coaching offer around interpersonal dynamics and creating meaningful relationships through communication.

On top of getting clients, we also helped him make his new clients got AMAZING results! Take a look at what some of his clients had to say about him:

And while he was signing on clients left and right, he felt like he was capped. He got tired of doing 1:1 work and wanted to transition over to a group coaching module. So we helped him figuring out what was the best way for him to package up his knowledge and deliver it at scale.

When it came time for him to launch, he ended up signing up 12 new clients in one day! Racking up $20k in revenue!

You can catch his full interview here.

This goes to show that no matter if you have a coaching offer, consulting offer, or even if you decided to switch what you offer half-way through…

The only thing that matters is that you have a SYSTEM and COMMUNITY behind you to help you stay focused and build your business in the way that YOU WANT it.

And that is exactly what we will do for you on our call. We will help you figure out what does YOUR dream business, offer, and income looks like and help you build out a custom roadmap to get there in the next 90 days.

Our call is coming up! Cannot wait to chat with you!

Who Needs a 9-5,


¥250,000, Dream Home, and Started A Family

In the last email, you heard me talk about Norman, and how he quit his job to start his consulting and coaching business

But what if you actually like your job, you want to keep it, and just want to start a coaching or consulting business on the side?

That’s exactly what we did with Thoa Nguyen, an English teacher all the way in Japan who LOVES her job, but wanted the challenge of going off and creating some extra money through coaching.

She wanted to privately coach Japanese businessmen on how to speak and communicate in English.

(and since she’s been teaching English for over 10 years, it was easy to package up her expertise into a high-ticket offer)

After just 3 weeks of creating her offer, she was able to land her 1st English coaching client for ¥200,000 (~$1,800)!

… all while STILL working full-time at her 9-5.

But we didn’t just start there.

This was her first client, and it would make sense that she’d feel nervous about onboarding him and delivering her program out for the first time. So we held her hand, created a client agreement form, an onboarding process, and we even helped her develop her own coaching framework and curriculum.

And by the end of her 1st coaching call, Thoa was feeling the momentum!

2 weeks after that, she rode that momentum wave into closing a brand new client (to which Thoa was able to raise her prices by 25%!)

And that’s not even the best part of the story.

Sure, getting clients, and making a good side-income while working a full-time 9-5 is nice and all…

… but it was the CONFIDENCE and SKILLSET that Thoa gained that truly impacted her life and family.

After being able to close 2 clients, she knew that if anything ever happened to her financially, she has the skill set under her belt to be able to get clients and support herself.

It was this newfound confidence (and the additional income from her business) that allowed her to afford her dream wedding, buy her dream home, and feel financially secure enough to have her first child!!

^ this is why we do what we do.

You can catch our full interview with her here.

At the end of the day, it's not about the money.

It is about the SKILLSET, CONFIDENCE, and BELIEF in yourself that you are able to create money and wealth for yourself because you’ve learned how to monetize your skillset into a valuable service for others

It doesn’t matter how old you are, it doesn’t matter if you are working a full 9-5, it doesn't even matter what country you're doing it in.

Our mission here is to give you the FOUNDATIONAL skills needed to create generational wealth and impact inside your coaching or consulting business.

And that is exactly what we are going to help you do during our call.

… so that you too can have that dream wedding, afford your forever home, and be in a position to take care of your family for generations to come.

Dreams Really Do Come True,


Med Student, “Impostor Syndrome”, $3k Clients

In the last email, you saw Thoa, who was working a full-time, 9-5, be able to afford her dream wedding, buy her dream home, and start a family

But what if you are a full-time student or graduate student, is it possible for you to go out there to start & grow your business.

The answer is YES! And Justin Nguyen is living proof of that.

Justin is a full-time Optometry Student who, even though he LOVED what he was learning, also had a passion for fitness.

Over the years, he bought a few courses & joined a few programs to try to get his fitness coaching business off the ground.

He tried free weight-loss challenges, building a Facebook group, posting workouts on Instagram….

And sure, all that work did get him a few clients here and there… But it was never the clients he wanted to work with.

Those clients were always struggling with finances… and could only afford to pay him $200/month for his fitness package.

He knew that he wanted to start charging more! He knew that he wanted to be able to find a way to get consistent high-ticket clients into his business, all while still being able to balance his last year as an Optometry Student.

So that’s what we did when he decided to join CoachLab.

We immediately helped him break down his time availability, and made sure that we developed a customized strategy and roadmap that worked best with him and his busy school schedule. (no more week long challenges that end up taking HOURS a day to run.)

We changed up the targeting of his offer (no more trying to work with everybody!) and started focusing on working with ONLY people who can afford his high-ticket service [we choose busy entrepreneurs and healthcare professions]

We even helped him reconstruct the way he sold his services & built out a sales system that worked best with him and his strengths (it’s different selling $200/month packages vs $2k+ packages)

Once we got all the foundations down, it was time for him to apply our signature Transformational Content strategy.

One post. 1600+ likes. 2 New Clients at $3,000k. All in just his first 6 weeks!

(all of this WHILE being a full-time student)

And this wasn’t a one time thing.. It was a recurring thing!

Justin went from feeling “not good enough” and having “imposter syndrome”...

… to feel CONFIDENT in creating content and being a coach.

You can hear all about his amazing journey here.

This goes to show that even if…

[X] You’ve invested into courses or programs in the past (and haven’t gotten the results you want)

[X] You’re a full-time student or recent graduate (and your time is limited)

[X] You’ve never sold anything higher than $200 (or sold anything at all for that matter)

… that you can still go out there and start your dream coaching or consulting business, and learn the skillset, systems, and foundations to CONSISTENTLY get clients month after month based off YOUR strengths, values, and vision

Everybody is different, and it's time that you have a roadmap and solution that works best for you (instead of being shoved into a one-size fit all solution)

And we are going to help you do just that on our call soon.

Looking forward to it.

You Are Enough,


Coaching Certification, $3k Clients, Introverts

If you’ve ever taken a certification program, course, or workshop, you may have noticed that they spend a lot of time on teaching you THE CRAFT… but never the business.

The problem with most course, certifications, and online programs that we see today is that they spend all this time teaching you the “MINDSET” and “Toolset” (visualize this, affirm that,)

… and almost zero time on the “SKILLSET” of Business (offer creation, client acquisition, sales sequence)

You may have realized that building a coaching or consulting business is going to take a lot more than just “being good” at what you do.

But a common mistake I see most new or struggling coaches & consultants make is that they spend all their time trying to get “better at their craft”, that they never get a chance to focus on getting better at the business side of things.

That’s what happened to Romica.

Before she hopped into CoachLab, Romica was working as a full-time nurse and she was just about to graduate from an online Life Coaching certification program.

The program spent all this time teaching her the tools to coach clients ( mindset, law of attraction, breakthrough sessions, medications)

.. but spent ZERO time teaching her how to actually GET CLIENTS and run an actual business.

And I could relate. I went through a $10k NLP Coaching Certification program when I first started out.

And sure, I learned a lot of things and it “felt good” and “felt like” I was making progress…

But at the end of the day, that certification never directly got me any clients.

Instead, I had to teach myself marketing, sales, systems, and operations before I was able to actually put my certification skillset to work, and started getting consistent clients month after month.

So when Romica told me that she’s about to graduate and needed help landing her first client, I knew that we would be able to help her.

We started off by taking all the skills that she learned from her certification program, and directed it towards ONE specific audience (in her case, we choose introverted entrepreneurs)

Then, taught her how to start creating content in a way that directly spoke to that audience’s pains and wants (and how to position the tools that she learned as the ‘secret weapon’ to combatting those pains)

Lastly, we helped her build an entire system around her content creation process -- so that she can stay consistent with her posts and slowly start building authority in her space.

Now, I’d be lying if I were to say that her results came easy (because it didn’t).

Her first few posts didn’t do too well, and she started to slowly doubt herself and question if she was “good enough to be a coach”.

But we helped her through it. We had many 1:1 calls with her and helped her adjust her messaging and copy week after week.

8 Weeks later, she signed on her 1st client for $3,000 (all while she was still working full-time as a nurse)

2 Weeks after that, she ended up signing on another client for the same amount!

This win helped her prove to herself that she's got what it takes to become a coach.

Once she got her 1st client, we continued working with her to build out her program, systematize her sales process, and even helped her build out a referral program for her clients.

Now, she’s on path to quit her job within the next month, and is feeling ready and confident to go full-time into her coaching business!

This goes to show that even if you’ve been through a certification program…

Even if you are working a full 9-5...

Even if you are brand new, starting out, and have zero experiences in business...

We can help you build the right mindset, skillset, and foundations needed to create a long-term, sustainable business that you can transition full-time into (if you want to!)

If Romica, a brand new coach who just got her coaching certification, can close her 1st client for $3,000…

You, too, can start charging your worth, and start acquiring the skillset needed to create generational wealth and impact for you and your family.

And I’m excited to help you do that on our call this week.

Your $30k+/Months Certification Awaits!


Unemployment, 4 Clients, NFL Quarterback

Before hopping into CoachLab, Gonzalo was collecting unemployment, living out of an empty apartment in Orange County.

He’s recently got laid off due to COVID, and was trying to figure out how to get his coaching business off the ground.

Gonzalo was actually one of my 1st coaches that I had. I had met him during a Transformational Workshop, and he was one of the volunteer coaches at this event.

He helped me overcome a lot of family trauma and helped me unlearn and rewire a lot of the generational trauma and abuse I experienced growing up (especially with my mom - who kicked me out when I told her I wanted to go into coaching in the first place.)

He had all the ingredients of a great coach. He was VERY GOOD at what he did. He was thoughtful, caring, considerate, challenging…

The problem was - he didn’t know how to properly monetize that skill and turn it into a profitable business.

That’s when he decided to invest his unemployment money into joining CoachLab.

Once he got it, we looked at all of the things that he “could have done”.

Relationship coaching, trauma coaching, breakthrough coaching, life coaching… he had all these wonderful ideas

And sure, any of these could be profitable and help him create $10k+ months

But what was more important isn’t what type of coaching brought in the most revenue…

What matters most is what type of coaching gives him the most JOY. the MOST fulfillment. The MOST energy.

And not only what… but for WHO does he enjoy working with? WHO gives him energy, power, momentum.

After some deep work, we helped him realize that his superpower was helping successful men bring balance into their life by owning their masculinity (powerful stuff.)

Once we figured out his calling, we helped him packaged it up into a world class offer.

And because he's been coaching for years now, he has a lot of people in his network that could be great potential clients for him.

So we helped him craft up a single email, send it, and then 8 phone calls later, he closed 4 new clients for his brand new offer overnight for $2,500 each ($10k in a day!)

Once he sold it, we helped him deliver his program, systemized it, and created a kickass referral system so that CONSISTENTLY got him 2-5 new clients WITHOUT any marketing.

Those 4 initial clients opened up many doors for him, including a potential opportunity working with an NFL Quarterback! (SAY WAHHHHH?!)

This goes to show that when you have a skill or expertise that brings greatness to this world, it is your duty to share it!

Wealth and impact is created to the exchange of value - and just like how we helped Gonzalo spread his gift - new doors and opportunities start to open because of it.

I cannot wait to hop on call with you to help figure out your gift - and help you transform that gift into consistent, high-ticket clients into your business.

Share Your Gift,
