The Most Dangerous Game You Can Ever Play (95% of People DO This & They Don't Even Know)

The most dangerous game you can ever play ...⁣

One that will either propel you forward towards higher success⁣

Or hinder you into self-doubt, anxiety, and failure...⁣

.. is the game of comparison.⁣

Comparison acts as a double-blade sword. ⁣

On one side, you have Social Comparison.⁣

This is where you start looking at what your competitors are doing. ⁣

You see them post their client wins.. the stripe payments.. the bank accounts.⁣

And you think "Damn, I need to keep up"⁣

I need to post more... sell more... do more.⁣

Next thing you know, you're pushing yourself to work 12-hour days.⁣

Skipping out on dinners.⁣

Neglecting friends so that you can "keep up" in the marketplace⁣

This is NOT a formula to build a successful business or life.⁣

Comparison, when used in this way, is the thief of joy.  ⁣

When you take your worth and measure it against other ppl's successes⁣

It doesn’t serve you⁣

It doesn’t empower you ⁣

Rather, it hinders you.⁣

It keeps you in a state of scarcity, fear, and anxiety. ⁣

On the flip side, you have Self Comparison. ⁣

This is where you compare your current version of yourself,⁣

... to that old version of you from 1, 3, or 5  years ago.⁣

It's where you look back at your old values & standards for yourself ⁣

... and compare it to your current standards and value. ⁣

When you do this, this is where the magic happens.⁣

You are able to see the core fundamental changes in your BEING as a human⁣

You can see the difference in identity, thinking, and attitude.⁣

And it shows you how much you've grown as a person. ⁣

When you use comparison in this way... You start to see PROGRESS along your journey.⁣

And it's that progress that motivates you to strive for more progress.⁣

(thus creating an endless loop of motivation and momentum)⁣

At the end of the day, the game of comparison will either serve you, or hinder you. ⁣

Comparison is but another tool in your arsenal.⁣

"A sword is only as good as the person who wields it."⁣

So wield it wisely.