"I Need to Think About It"

When you're sitting there, staring at the crossroads of "Yes" and "No,"

Going back and forth on the edge of a decision that could change your business forever.

The weight of "I need to think about it" feels like a boulder on your shoulders.

I understand, because I've felt the same way before.

With only $500 in my pocket and over $10,000 in debt, I faced a huge decision.

I was eyeing a mastermind for top business owners, even though my business wasn't there yet.

But I knew that's where I wanted to be.

The fear of "I need to think about it" was real, but so was my dream.

You see, I was in your shoes, afraid to take the leap.

But I remembered, it wasn't about having all the money or the perfect conditions; it was about being smart with what I had.

It was about being resourceful with what I current have and can get access to vs having the proper resources to get started.

So, I got creative, opened two new credit cards, and took a chance on a high-ticket coaching program.

It was a big risk, but I knew if I didn't do something, I'd just be stuck, losing more time and money.

The heavy weight of indicision is the silent killer of dreams.

It's like cliff diving into the ocean.

Life vest on your back.

Knowing that you're not going to drown.

But teadering back and forth on whether or not you should take the leap.

The truth is, this isn't the first time you've delayed a decision like this.

You've been inching towards this edge for not just days or weeks, but probably years.

This moment is not a sudden impulse, but a culmination of every silent whisper of ambition you've ever entertained.

It's not a snap decision; it's the first step in a marathon you started long ago.

Think about it.

You've already invested time, effort, and soul into reaching this juncture.

To turn back now is to betray every ounce of work you've put in.

It's not just about making a choice; it's about honoring the journey you've embarked on.

The real question isn't "What if I make the wrong choice?"

But rather:

"What am I missing out on life by letting fear dictate my path?"

You're not just deciding on a program; you're choosing between stagnation and evolution.

Between the comfort of the known and the thrilling potential of the unknown.

It's only in the unknown where you truly allow yourself to grow and thrive

It doesn't matter if you've had past failures.

It doesn't matter if you've been burned before with a bad investment or program.

What matters is whether you're going to let your past dictate your future, or the present.

The cost of investment into your future is nothing compared to the cost of staying stuck right where you are for another 1, 3, 5, 10+ years.

Imagine, just a year from now, you're in the exact same spot.

The same frustrations, the same limitations.

How does that feel?

Sucks ass, right?

The cost of inaction isn't just about lost revenue; it's about the dream deferred, the potential unfulfilled.

Money is a renewable resource; time and opportunity are not.

So, when faced with "I need to think about it,"

Challenge yourself to think not about the risks of saying "yes,"

But the cost of saying "no."

The decision you're making doesn't just impact you for today.

It impacts your future kids.



And freedom.

If you truly believe that you were meant for more.

To impact more lives.

To create more memories and transformation.

Don't let the fear of the leap keep you from discovering how far you can fly​​.

The greatest cost you'll ever pay is not the taxes, mortages, or the price of this program or another program.

It is the cost of inaction.

Don't trade away long-term impact for short-term price saving.

The price of success must be paid in full, in advance - Brian Tracy