Is this a good fit for me?

The Next Level Requires A New You

Ever felt like you're on the cusp of something great, only to second-guess if you're ready to jump?

Do you feel like you're meant for more, and you're ready to level up your life

But you're afraid if you're the type of person that can do it or if you're a good fit for it?

Let me share a story that might just resonate with you.

Thoa's Leap of Faith

Meet Thoa, standing at a crossroads similar to where you might be now.

She had a comfortable 9-5 job as an English teacher in Japan.

She got paid well.

Lived in a decent apartment.

And was in a happy relationship with her partner (now husband).

She was living a good life.

But to her, she felt trapped.

She knew that she was meant for more.

And always wanted to venture off and start her own business.

She dreamed of having the freedom to be in control of her own time.

Especially since she was planning to have kids, and wanted to be able to stay at home to raise them and not have to worry about money.

So she wanted to be able to be in control of her own money and time, and be able to afford her dream wedding and buy her dream house.

She's been wanting this for a while (years actually)

But whenever the thought came about, she'd start to doubt herself.

"What if I am not good enough? "

"What if I am not hte type of person that can do it?"

"Am I a good fit for this?"

But one day, she decided that she's had enough.

She was tired of the pain of staying the same, and wanted to do more.

So she decided to work with us, and in just 30 days, got her first coaching client for $2,000+!

A week later, she got another client for $2,500!

She embraced a new identity as a business owner, and with that, her priorities took a 180.

It was like she traded an old, worn-out map for a GPS locked onto success.

So how does this story relate back to you?

There's three lessons you can take away from this:

#1) Show Me Your Calendar and Spending, and I Will Show You Your Future

Thoa's story underscores a profound truth: our investments of time and money are the clearest indicators of our priorities and future.

They reveal what truly matters to you.

Are you investing in late-night escapades and endless Netflix binges

or are you funneling your resources into growth and learning?

If your current habits haven't brought you the success you crave, it's time for a radical transformation.

It's not Be > Do > Have

It's Do > Have > Be

You must DO the thing,

To HAVE the results,

And BE the person you know you're capable of becoming

#2) From Comfort to Courage

Courage isn't about being fearless.

It's about taking action, despite of fear.

Thoa's leap from the security of her teaching job to the uncertain world of entrepreneurship showcases this.

It's comfortable to stay in the familiar, even if it's a dead-end.

Maybe you already have an okay life

or you're a perpetual learner hiding behind a screen.

But ask yourself, is this all you want to be?

Is this who you need to be to seize the life you dream of?

Imagine shedding that old skin and stepping into the arena as the best version of yourself.

The one who hits the gym at dawn, leads with confidence, and impacts not just their life but those around them.

It's not about having the same goals as winners; it's about executing with precision and passion.

#3) The Pain of Staying the Same vs. The Pain of Change

Thoa's story shows a pivotal crossroad that we all face:

Will you endure the short-term pain of change

Or will you endure the lifelong pain of staying the same?

Change is daunting; it's a scary mountain to climb.

But let me ask you, what's more terrifying?

The climb or the abyss of stagnation?

If staying the same doesn't scare you more than the challenge of change, it's time to dive deeper into discomfort.

Maybe it's time to hit rock bottom, to feel the burn, to crave transformation so fiercely that staying the same becomes unbearable.

Both are hard.

You must choose your hard.

Your New Identity Awaits

If you want to change what you do

You must change who you compare yourself to.

This doesn't mean comparing yourself to your competitors or that 2nd cousins your mom always brags about.

That means comparing yourself to the person you know you can become.

And the easiest way for you to become the person worthy of your goals.

Is to do the things that person would be doing, TODAY!

This journey isn't just about tweaking a few habits; it's about a fundamental shift in your actions and identity.

It's about aligning with those who've walked this path before you,

investing in yourself,

and prioritizing what truly moves the needle.

It's about choosing the hard that moves you forward in life

Instead of the hard that keeps you stuck in the same situation you are in right now.

The Decision Is Yours

It's not about Be > Do >Have

It's Do > Have > Be

Do the thing.

And you will have the result.

And the result shows that you have Become the person.

The best part?

You can choose to do the thing, to have the result, to become that person, TODAY.

So ask yourself:

On a scale from 1 to 10, how crucial is this change to you?

What's holding you back from making it a perfect 10?

Let's face it, the gap between where you are and where you want to be isn't about the program or the process; it's about you.

Are you ready to embrace this transformation?

If not, what do you need by your side to start the journey?

It's not about having the resources to be ready, its about being resourceful to get what you need to start today.

The choice is yours my friend.

Choose wisely.