The Art of Timing (How to Determine the Right Time to Go All In)

Time Wizard - Metal Raiders - YuGiOh

Do you ever feel like you're in a constant race against the clock?

You never seem to have enough time to focus on the bigger thing,

Start something new,

Or fully invest into something that would change the trajectory of your life and business?

You're not alone. Many entrepreneurs feel exactly the same way.

Just last week, I had a prospect (now client) who was struggling with the same thing.

She was on the verge of joining CoachLab (our signature program) where we can help her install a Pre-Sold Client System inside her business.

She told me:"

I wanted to invest, but I'm not sure if now is a good time to start.

I got work, school, kid is growing up, I feel like I am too busy"

But I'll keep you in mind and reach out when I am ready!"

And I totally get it.

When I started my business, I had the same thought.

I was working a 9-5.

Trying to figure out my relationships.

Constantly having to go home to take care of my parents.

I felt like I barely had time to breathe, how would I be able to take on a new program or coaching?

That was until I learned this one important lesson.

You don't have time, you make time.

Believing you're 'too busy' is a trap, implying success only comes in the absence of busyness.

Yet, life's nature is to fill our plates continuously with new tasks, challenges, and distractions.

The truth is, we're always going to be busy.

There will always be things fighting for our time and attention.

Thus, its not a matter of waiting to be free to start something or invest in something.

It is a matter of learning HOW to make time and LEARN how to do it when we are busy

Waiting for a 'perfect time' to start or invest in something is like waiting for a train at an abandoned station.

The key isn't finding time but mastering the art of making time, especially when your schedule seems impossibly full.

Being Busy is the Best Time to Start

The busier the season, the better time it is to start.

Whether it's personal challenges or life like marriage or having a kid,

There will always be new reasons why you are "busy"

But if you cannot figure out how to do it during a busy season - then this isn't going to last

And you want this to last a long time right?

You want to build a business that can generate you wealth and influence for generations to come right?

Of course you do!

Then what better time to do it than RIGHT NOWIt is better to learn the skills needed to navigate through a busy season NOW so that that skill can pay dividends in the long term.

Learn to prioritize and prove to yourself that you can do amazing things in short-periods of time.

If you can navigate your ambitions through these times, you're setting a foundation for enduring success.

The best time to plant this seed is now, amidst the chaos of life.

Effective vs Efficient

If time is really of the essence for you, then you must learn how to be efficient with your time vs effective.

Wahts the difference?

Let's use Sleep as an example.

It is the most effective to be in bed between the hours of 9PM - 5AM.

Thats optimizing for effective

But sometimes, we don't have that luxury.

What if you kid wakes up in the middle of the night?

What if work a night shift?

What if you just like staying up with friends and family?

In those cases, you want to optimize for efficient instead.

Which is getting in work done in the little pockets of time you do have.

Got 15minutes before you next call?

Write a post.

Got an 1 hour lunch break?

Connect with your audience and build a network.

Got a 30 minute commute?

Listen to a training or podcast to uplevel your skills.

It efficient is about maximizing as much output as you can, regardless of how effective it may be.

Becuase truth is, done is better than perfect.

And its always better to take imperfect action

Than perfect inaction.

Addition by Subtraction.

Despite not owning a billion dollar enterprise like Microsoft, Amazon, or Tesla,

There is one thing that we all share in common with the likes of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk:

We all have the same 24 hours in a day.

It's how they use those hours that sets them apart.

If you are working all the time, and not getting closer to your goals.

That means that you are working on the wrong things.

It's not about working more and getting more things done.

It is getting the RIGHT THINGS done, the RIGHT WAY, at the RIGHT TIME,

and ignoring the rest.

The point is not productivity, but rather, efficiency toward a targeted outcome.

  • Wrong Thing (0) x Right Way (10) x Right Time (10) = Wrong Thing
  • Right Thing (10) x Wrong Way (0) x Right Time (10) = Wrong Thing
  • Right Thing (10) x Right Way (10) x Wrong Time (0) = Wrong Thing

Getting any of this formula wrong will lead you to doing the wrong things. Because

Because anything times zero is still ZERO.

It is hard to know what the right things are when you are new to the field.

It's hard to know what is the right way to do things when there are 100+ ways to do something.

It's hard to know when is the RIGHT TIME to do things when you don't have a proven roadmap or system.

But what happens if you get the formula right?

What happens when you do the right thing, the right way, at the right time?

Right Thing (10) x Right Way (10) x Right Time (10) = Right Thing (1000)

There's an exponential return. One that compounds with time as long as you keep doing it.

Because the secret to growth is not addition, but subtraction.

It's about focusing on effective actions that drive you toward your desired outcome, not just ticking boxes on a to-do list.

Being "too bust" is often a byproduct of misaligned priorities.

It's not about doing more.

It's about doing LESS, and gaining MORE from it.

The 'When I ___, Then I Will ___' Fallacy

"When I have more money, then I will invest in this program"
"When I have time, then I will start a business"
"When I have more energy, then I will start my workout journey"

Truth is... you don't start investing when you have money, you invest with what you ALREADY have so you can build the habit of investing

You don't go to the hospital once you are healed.. you go to the hospital to GET HEALEDThe same thing applies here.

You invest into a gym membership to GET FIT and GET HEALTHY; not wait until you have time or money to join.

You invest into your clothes and appearance to LOOK GOOD and GET DATES; not wait until you have time or money to do it.

You join a coaching program to GET CLIENTS and GET MONEY ; not wait til you have money to join

Remember - you will either pay in time or money.

And the cost of delaying will always cost you more.

Not only does it cost you time.

It costs the money you could of made DURING that time.

If you invested in yourself 3 months ago and could of made an additional $10k, $30k, $100k/month

That means that not investing in yourself costed you $10k, $30k, $100k/month x 3

The best of the best got there by choosing to buy and learn from other people's mistakes vs making it themselves.

So save yourself time by standing on the shoulders of giants.

You can always make more money - but you cannot make more time.