Resourcefulness vs Resources

How to Never Let "I Can't Afford It" to Ruin Your Life Again

Throughout life, there will never be a shortage of moments where you will need to dig deep and be resourceful.

For me, this came when I was deciding to invest in my first business program.

With only 500 in my pocket and over $10,000 in debt, I faced a huge decision.

I was eyeing a mastermind for top business owners, even though my business wasn't there yet.

But I knew that's where I wanted to be.

But my inner voice in my head would whisper:

"I don't have the money"

"Maybe now is not the right time"

"I'll invest in this when I get more clients. More money. More time..."

But have you ever had a time in your life, when you wanted something so fucking bad

You were not willing to settle?

Maybe a family got sick, or an unexpected bill came up.

And you didn’t have the money for it, but you dug deep and found a way to get the money.

You didn’t have the time to help someone

But they meant so much to you that you found and made the time.

It's in moments like this that shows you what you're truly capable of.

And isn't it funny that in these moments, we would go out of our way and dig deep in ourselves to help someone else

But we aren't able to tap into that energy and resourcefulness for ourselves?

You see, it's times like this when your back is against the wall that requires you to tap DEEP within yourself.

And draw from that energy of certainty.




I've realized over my 7 years of business and helping over 112 people turn their expertise into a thriving coaching/consulting business

In those time when I said "I couldn't afford it"

" I don't have time"

" I’ll think about it"

If only I’d been more determined, more hungry, and more disciplined with my higher standard of life

I would of been able to find the time. Find the money. And do whatever it took to get the job done.

It's never a lack of resources.

Just a lack of resourcefulness.

Even billionaires like Elon, Steve Job, Beszos - they have all faced moments where it felt like they didn't have the time, money, or resources to get the job done.

But they found a way.

They dug deep, got resourceful, and figured it out.

And that's something that you can always do as well.

Because the greatest resources you need to make a change and impact is already inside you.

You just need to tap into that and commit to the higher version of yourself that you can know you can become.

Success has a cost of admission. You must choose how you want to pay.

Success has a price of admission

And at the end of the day, to advance to the next level

You will have to pay either in TIME or MONEY.

You can pay with time, make your own mistakes, and hope and pray that you extract the right lessons necessary to move your business and life forward.

Or you can choose to pay with money and save yourself the pain and headache of failure by buying other people's mistakes.

Make the decision today to BUY KNOWLEDGE so that you can SAVE TIME.

It's not a question of "IF YOU CAN" learn the skills and create a good business,

It's a question of "When Will I" learn the skills and have a good business.

Do you want to have it in 12 weeks or 12 years?

Do you want to pay for it in wasted time.. or pay for it in money and use that saved time to make more money?

Chances are you've probably been paying for it in time for the last 1, 3, 5, 10 years.. and look at where that's gotten ya.

(Probably not too well, cause if you were doing well, you wouldn't be reading or watching this.)

Best case - you have your dream business

Worst case - you get closer to your goal, and I work with you to achieve your goal

Because what is money even good for?

You are going to spend this money 3, 6,12 months down the road anyway.

You'll probably spend it on food, presents, bday, parties whatever.

And although all those things are nice, they do not help you produce an ROI on your investment.

They don't teach you a skill that COMPOUNDS and allows you to 2x, 10x, even 20x your income in just a few months.

So instead of falling into old habits, and spending money in places and areas with low ROI.

Make the decision today to invest that money into a program that teaches you COMPOUNDING SKILLSETS (creating, crafting, and selling high-ticket coaching and consulting packages)

Skills sets that are recession-proof, and allow you to create the life worthy of your desires.

Think like an investor and buy the lessons and failures of me and other 6-8 figure coaches and consultants already made

So that you don't have to repeat those mistakes and go through those struggles.

Don't let "I can't afford it" to be on your list of problems in life