$500 Workshops to $20k Launch, 0 Sales Experience

$500 Workshops to $20k Launch, 0 Sales Experience

Quitting your job to start your dream business is a tough decision to make (especially when that job is paying you 6-figures a year)

But sometimes, the best decisions that we can ever make for ourselves are the ones that require us to take a leap of faith and trust in ourselves.

That’s exactly what Norman Tran did when he decided to work with us.

Norman was a facilitator at Stanford Graduate School of Business and specialized in helping companies create unique learning experience online

However, his true passion was teaching people about Emotional Intelligence and how to skillfully navigate conversations with the people you care most about

But at the time, the only way he was able to coach and teach people was in his weekend workshops, which he was only charging $500 for.

He knew that he wanted to focus on teaching that full-time, so he decided to quit his job, and sign up with us to make that dream a reality.

We first started off with his consulting offer. Since he was already an expert at what he does, it was easy for us to package up his offer and help him start finding his own clients.

The problem was, he had absolutely ZERO experience in sales! He’s never sold anything in his life.

So we hooked him up with our Neural Selling System, and within his first week, he closed his first client for $2k!

It didn’t stop there! We continued to help him build out and position his offer. And in just 2 months, he definitely “raised the price” 😉

Once we proved to him that he’s an expert at what he does and that he can sell, he was off to the races.

He was able to close two more consulting clients later that month, and used that income to fund his new coaching offer around interpersonal dynamics and creating meaningful relationships through communication.

On top of getting clients, we also helped him make his new clients got AMAZING results! Take a look at what some of his clients had to say about him:

And while he was signing on clients left and right, he felt like he was capped. He got tired of doing 1:1 work and wanted to transition over to a group coaching module.

So we helped him figuring out what was the best way for him to package up his knowledge and deliver it at scale.

When it came time for him to launch, he ended up signing up 12 new clients in one day! Racking up $20k in revenue!

You can catch his full interview here.

This goes to show that no matter if you have a coaching offer, consulting offer, or even if you decided to switch what you offer half-way through…

The only thing that matters is that you have a SYSTEM and COMMUNITY behind you to help you stay focused and build your business in the way that YOU WANT it.

And that is exactly what we will do for you on our call. We will help you figure out what does YOUR dream business, offer, and income looks like and help you build out a custom roadmap to get there in the next 90 days.

Our call is coming up! Cannot wait to chat with you!

Who Needs a 9-5,
