¥250,000, Dream Home, and Started A Family

¥250,000, Dream Home, and Started A Family

In the last post, you heard me talk about Norman, and how he quit his job to start his consulting and coaching business

But what if you actually like your job, you want to keep it, and just want to start a coaching or consulting business on the side?

That’s exactly what we did with Thoa Nguyen, an English teacher all the way in Japan who LOVES her job, but wanted the challenge of going off and creating some extra money through coaching.

She wanted to privately coach Japanese businessmen on how to speak and communicate in English.

(and since she’s been teaching English for over 10 years, it was easy to package up her expertise into a high-ticket offer)

After just 3 weeks of creating her offer, she was able to land her 1st English coaching client for ¥200,000 (~$1,800)!

… all while STILL working full-time at her 9-5.

But we didn’t just start there.

This was her first client, and it would make sense that she’d feel nervous about onboarding him and delivering her program out for the first time. So we held her hand, created a client agreement form, an onboarding process, and we even helped her develop her own coaching framework and curriculum.

And by the end of her 1st coaching call, Thoa was feeling the momentum!

2 weeks after that, she rode that momentum wave into closing a brand new client (to which Thoa was able to raise her prices by 25%!)

And that’s not even the best part of the story.

Sure, getting clients, and making a good side-income while working a full-time 9-5 is nice and all…

… but it was the CONFIDENCE and SKILLSET that Thoa gained that truly impacted her life and family.

After being able to close 2 clients, she knew that if anything ever happened to her financially, she has the skill set under her belt to be able to get clients and support herself.

It was this newfound confidence (and the additional income from her business) that allowed her to afford her dream wedding, buy her dream home, and feel financially secure enough to have her first child!!

^ this is why we do what we do.

You can catch our full interview with her here.

At the end of the day, it's not about the money.

It is about the SKILLSET, CONFIDENCE, and BELIEF in yourself that you are able to create money and wealth for yourself because you’ve learned how to monetize your skillset into a valuable service for others

It doesn’t matter how old you are, it doesn’t matter if you are working a full 9-5, it doesn't even matter what country you're doing it in.

Our mission here is to give you the FOUNDATIONAL skills needed to create generational wealth and impact inside your coaching or consulting business.

And that is exactly what we are going to help you do during our call.

… so that you too can have that dream wedding, afford your forever home, and be in a position to take care of your family for generations to come.

Dreams Really Do Come True,
