The Harsh Truth About "Productivity" (and how to ACTUALLY get more done)

The Harsh Truth About "Productivity" (and how to ACTUALLY get more done)
My $3,487 Lesson On What It ACTUALLY Means to be "Productive"

$3,487 spent and 7 years later...

This is what I found to be the REAL truth about productivity.

Productivity is built on the idea that tools and tactics will help you get more done and be rich.

But tools built on the wrong foundation will cause you to burnout and collapse.

Philosophy serves as the base of the mountain on which tools are built on.

Here how to build it:

1) Redefine Productivity

Productivity is understanding how to get more of the RIGHT THINGS done

...and IGNORING the rest.

Less is always more.

2) Define the Target

To find the right things, you must work backward from the right Target.

It's impossible to hit a target that you cannot see.

Take the time needed to clearly define what you want.

3) Choose Your Timeline

There are 2 parts to a Target

  1. The Thing Itself
  2. The Timeline to Hit It

I burnt out 100s of times because I gave myself short timelines for big goals.

Give yourself time and be willing to extend it if needed.

Change the timeline. Not the target.

4) Prioritize Attention

Magic is created not be managing time, but by prioritizing attention.

You will yield greater results by focusing your attention on 1-3 things vs 10-30.

5) Treat your calendar as a budget for time.

Budgets are designed to make you not run out of money.

Each dollar is given a job and is spent productively.

Calendars are designed to make sure you don't run out of time.

Each hour is given a job and is spent productively.

Bonus: Enjoy Yourself

The name of the game is to enjoy the passage of time as you work towards your goals


  1. Am I enjoying what I am doing?
  2. Is what I am doing taking me closer to my goal?

Fail 1) - You'll burnout
Fail 2) - You'll stay stagnant
Fail both - You're fked


  1. Redefine What Productivity Means
  2. Define Your Target Outcome
  3. Choose Your Timeline
  4. Prioritize Attention
  5. Budget Time
  6. Enjoy

That's it!

These are the 5 steps to ACTUALLY being productive and getting shit done.