How To Become The "Type of Person" To Do What You Always Wanted

How To Become The "Type of Person" To Do What You Always Wanted
3Things You Need to Do To Become The Person You Need To Be 

If you ever told yourself:

"I'm not that type of person"
"I can't wake up early...gym 3-5 times a week... or start a business..."

⁣This post will help you become that type of person.⁣

I used to have these exact same thoughts⁣

I used to think:⁣

I can't wake up early, I'm not a morning person...⁣

I can't sell high ticket coaching... I'm not a salesperson...⁣

I can't start a business.. I'm Asian... Asian's don't start businesses...⁣

And these thoughts, at the time, were my reality. ⁣

I genuinely believe it was true and I had a proven track record of waking up late and no sales to prove it.⁣

But here's the thing...⁣

Your past doesn't determine your identity.⁣

So many people believe that their identity is locked ⁣

Or that it's a byproduct of their past behavior...⁣
They think:⁣

"I could never do that..."⁣
"I'm not that type of person"⁣
"I was born this way"⁣

But this couldn't be further from the truth.⁣

The REAL truth is... ⁣

Your identity is fluid ⁣

And you can change it at any time... at any moment... if you choose to. ⁣

The problem is... most people don't.⁣

Most people CHOOSE to stay stuck in their situation.⁣

They choose to stay stuck in that job that they hate... ⁣

To Live paycheck to paycheck...⁣

To stay trapped in their own insecurities, excuses, and stories.. ⁣

Because truth be told...⁣

It's comfortable... ⁣
It's safe... ⁣
It's all they've known...⁣

They get some type of reward from it.⁣

And I get it.. I was the same way.⁣

I was stuck in those beliefs for 23 YEARS!⁣

It wasn't until I decided that I sick and tried of living in victimhood...⁣

Sought out help... ⁣

And did the inner work..⁣

That I was able to see a transformation in my life.⁣

I've spent the last 2 years rewiring my mind and reconstructing my identity. ⁣

And I discovered 3 Key Things that anyone can do today...⁣

To give their old habits and beliefs a "Neural Upgrade"⁣

So that they can become the person they need to become...⁣

Who does the things that need to be done...⁣

In order to gets you the results they desire...⁣

If any of that interests you.. ⁣

Take notes.⁣

Keep Your Promises To Yourself⁣

The fastest way to construct a new identity is to define the activities that align with your new identity and actually do them.⁣

Following through on your promises reinforces your unconscious mind that we are what we do

⁣Be the person you want to become⁣
Do the things that reinforce the being⁣
And you will Have the results you want ⁣

Rehearse the Right Stories⁣

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford⁣

Your thoughts become things and your stories become your reality.⁣

Make a conscious effort to eliminate the stories that are out of alignment with your identity... ⁣

And rehearse the right stories that empower and motivate you. ⁣

Do try to wake up early... OR ...Do you choose to wake up early because you're a high performer⁣

Do you go to the gym when you feel like it... OR .... Do you gym religiously because you decided that you are a healthy person.⁣

Do you give to others when you have enough... OR ... Do you give all the time because you choose to live in abundance?⁣

Whichever story you tell yourself is the reality you will live in.⁣

Manufacture The Right Environment⁣

Your Identity is made 50% from Effort and 50% from the environment.⁣

Most people THINK that they can't shape their environment, but you actually can.

I teach my clients this through a process I call "Neuralization" ⁣

Which is where you manufacture the habits, routines, systems, and environment that allow you to show up as the person you're meant to be consistently without having to force yourself or depend on willpower or motivation.  ⁣

Because if you manufacture the right environment, it becomes easy to step into the identity you choose every day.⁣

That means not having chips in the kitchen cabinet when you are choosing to be a healthy person.⁣

That means crafting the perfect night and morning routine that allows you to wake up early and become a high performer.⁣

That means being clear on your Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Goals and having a system to track you progress and growth.⁣

The environment is half the battle, so make sure you set yourself up to win each and every day ⁣

If you implement these steps and construct an identity that pulls you towards your goal...⁣

You'd be doing the things you always wanted to do easily and effortlessly.⁣

If you don't...⁣

You will continue to struggle and be forced to rely on willpower and motivation to get you through the day.⁣

The choice is yours. ⁣