28 Principles That Helped Me Build a 6-Figure Business at 28

28 Principles That Helped Me Build a 6-Figure Business at 28

Over the past few years, I've gone from sleeping in my car in the backlot of a 7-11 to creating a 6-fig business and retiring my parents. Crazy

Here are 28 Principles that's helped me along the way. I hope they serve you as much as they've served me.

  1. The best things in life must be earned. And once earned, they must be maintained. It takes massive effort it. It takes double the amount to maintain it.
  2. People will treat you by how you allow them to treat you. Never let yourself be disrespected.
  3. The easy thing to do is often the wrong thing. The hard thing to do is often the right thing, despite the short-term discomfort you might feel.
  4. Understand other people's models of the world. The truth is irrelevant to the perception of the truth.
  5. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. The best way to maximize the upside is by hedging for the downside. Protect your downside and the upside will take care of itself.
  6. Progress will always be a continuous effort against the stream. Life operates in reverse action to entropy. Therefore the universe is hostile to life.
  7. The first step to achieving anything in life starts with a clear visualization in the mind. You cannot hit a target you can't see.
  8. Every day is a celebration of existence. Aspire to create, achieve and build the greatness that is you.
  9. There will always be a season for Growth, Rest, and Sustainability. Be cautious with how you label your seasons. And never compare your season to another.
  10. Never negotiate with your standards. A life without standards is like a ship without a compass. Constantly moving, but with no sense of direction.
  11. Live like you don't have much time left, but plan as if you'll live on for centuries. You have more time than you think.
  12. Practice the art of essentialism in all areas of life. You need a lot less than you think.
  13. Everything you want in life will be outside your comfort zone. And you'll subconsciously fight like hell to stay inside of your comfort zones.
  14. Cherish your time, protect your attention. To waste time is to waste your life. To waste attention is to waste potential.
  15. Life's easy when you live it the hard way, and hard when you live it the easy way.
  16. Confidence starts with honoring your commitments to yourself.
  17. Outside of yourself, you control nothing. But you can manage anything. You are the creator of your world.
  18. Your time will always be better spent working "on" you vs on anything else. Every problem is always an extension of our inner self. Fix the faucet before plugging the holes in the bucket.
  19. You are responsible for exactly who, what, and where you are in life. No one is coming to save you.
  20. The world's highest achievers have the highest levels of dissatisfaction. Pain is often a greater motivator than pleasure. Use it to your advantage.
  21. Quantity breeds quality. You will only get good by doing a lot of it. Repetition is the cost of admission to excellence.
  22. Always have options. There is nothing more powerful than having the ability to say "No" because you know you have other choices at play.
  23. Champions are made in the off-season. Proper preparation always yields massive profits. Plan accordingly.
  24. Success is the sum of consistent small actions, repeated daily, over a long period of time, regardless of the visibility of the result.
  25. Success is the sum of consistent small actions, repeated daily, over a long period of time, regardless of the visibility of the result.⁣⁣
  26. The best way to get started is to get started. Life rewards action, not reaction.⁣
  27. Question everything. Assume nothing. Learn from everyone and anything. Allow the world to be your library. ⁣
  28. The heaviest weight will always be an unmade decision. Confidence comes from fixing mistakes quickly, not avoiding them. ⁣