5 Types of Content That Will ACTUALLY Get You Clients

5 Types of Content That Will ACTUALLY Get You Clients
Stolen from my $36,000 mastermind with 7 & 8-figure coaches and consultants

5 Types of Content That Will Actually Bring in Clients and Get You Paid

(stolen from my $36,000 mastermind with 7 and 8-figure coaches and consultants)

Getting people to buy from you, it's not only about having a good offer or sale process.

There must be a level of Trust established prior between you and the buyer before the sale.

The best way to build that trust is through Transformational Content.

Here are the 5 Types of T.C. that I use every week:

  1. AGT (Against the Grain)

In every industry, there are always beliefs that are "commonly accepted"

For example, to lose weight, you must diet and exercise.

But if you go against that belief, (diets are stupid) and prove why (not sustainable)

You catch their attention and gain instant credibility.

Good marketing isn't about sharing information.

It is about transforming past beliefs and perspectives.

When you provide a contrarian perspective to common beliefs that your prospects have

You stand out and give them a new way of looking at their situation.

  1. Social Proof

Use these to teach, address objections, and brag about yourself all at the same time.

Whether it's screenshots, videos, or quotes, start collecting & showcasing them,

The format isn't important.

It's their usage of them to handle objections & teach that matters.

  1. Behind the Scene

Peel back the curtains on your everyday life and business.

Showcase your hobbies, interest, and personal struggles.

The more you show, the more people can relate, and the more they'll trust you.

Be human, and vulnerable, and allow your personality to shine

  1. Transformation Story

Sharing your story of how you became an expert will become your greatest marketing asset.

People often buy from people who are like them.

Others can see themselves in you and have hope that what they want is possible

And since you've done it, you can help them do it too.

  1. Demonstration Content

People will only know you're good if you show them.

Do a step-by-step tutorial on how to solve a specific problem or pain.

Present on case study on how you solved something (or how you would solve it).

Answer their FAQs through examples and stories.

If you can solve one problem, they'll trust you to solve another problem

Do that enough times, and they won't hesitate to pay you to solve everything else.

To sum it all up, here are the 5 Types of Content Proven to Get Clients and Make Sales (in no particular order)

  1. AGT (Against the Grain)
  2. Social Proof
  3. Behind the Scene
  4. Transformation Story
  5. Demonstration

Use these and you'll never have to worry about where your next client will come from.